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我很幸运,所以我为什么不欣赏这份工作呢?主要经历:我的第一份工作是在一家射鸽俱乐部当服务员,给射手设陷阱。我的第一场音乐会在我的家乡坎特伯雷举行。我的第一张CD是《特洛伊》。我参与的第一个45分钟的短片是摇滚明星迈克尔杰克逊的《加勒比海盗 2》。主要奖项:2003年我在好莱坞电影节上获得了200英镑的突破性表演奖。2003年被娱乐在线授予年度银幕英雄奖。2002年以33,360,010-30,000获得MTV电影颁奖典礼最佳突破表演奖。2002年与所有演员一起获得《伴我同行》最佳演员提名奖。2002年获得权威奖最佳外观奖。2002年获得突破男演员。

相关问题三、求 奥兰多布鲁姆的详细资料


y, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in school plays and was active at his local theater. As a teen, Orlando landed his first job: he was a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range. Encouraged by his mother, he and his sister began studying poetry and prose, eventually giving readings at Kent Festival. Orlando and Samantha won many poetry and Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlando, who always idolized larger-than-life characters, gravitated towards serious acting. At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows “Casualty” (1986), “Midsomer Murders” (1997) and “Smack the Pony” (1999). He also appeared in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde (1997).He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage. As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. After the show, he met with Orlando and asked him to audition for his new set of movies. After graating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, spending 18 months in New Zealand bringing to life “Legolas”, a part which made him a household name. Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in the instry.——————————————————————————–IMDb mini-biography by J.W. Braun ——————————————————————————–Trivia During the filming for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), he fell off his horse and broke one of his ribs.Chosen as one of Teen People Magazine”s “25 Hottest Stars Under 25.” [2002]Originally auditioned to play the role of “Faramir” in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy but lost out on that role and was instead asked to play the role of Legolas.Learned to surf ring the filming of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand.He won the 2002 MTV Movie Award for “Breakthrough Male.”Was nominated with the entire The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) cast for “Best Ensemble Acting” at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.Won the award at the 2002 Empire Awards for “Best Debut.”Underwent a great deal of training with knives, horseback riding, canoeing and archery before his role as Legolas.According to Screensavers.com, Orlando Bloom replaced Britney Spears at the top of the website”s celebrity download index in January, 2004.On People (USA) magazine”s “50 Most Beautiful” list [2004].Web-site Ananova.com chose him as the sexiest actor in Britain. [2004]One of People magazine”s “Hottest Bachelors” in 2004.His cousin, the photographer/director Sebastian Copeland, is Brigitte Nielsen”s ex-husband.He made archery a very popular sport in the UK. Many youngsters saw him with a bow in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy and decided to join archery schools.Chosen as Teen People”s #1 Hottie for the October 2004 issue.Chosen as the sexiest male movie star by Empire Magazine. Overall he was 3rd; ahead of him were Keira Knightley (1st) and Angelina Jolie (2nd). [September 2004]He used to be a vegetarian, but he had to go back to eating meat when he was filming The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).Named as one of nine “off the charts” sexy superstars by People Magazine in 2004, along with Jake Gyllenhaal, Usher Raymond, Colin Farrell, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis, and Johnny Depp.Was visited by Countess Seidy Maria Lopez ring the filming of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) in New Zealand.Received a great amount of “stage combat” training while at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (as part of the drama program in conjunction with the British Academy of Stage and Theatre Combat), which helped prepare him a great deal in the characters he has choosen to play, that fight with swords, bows and knives.He has received an invitation to join the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in Stratford Upon Avon, which he plans to do in the near future when he has some time off from working on film. His goal is to perform Hamlet on the Swan stage (RSC main), one of Shakespeare”s most challenging works.Voted #1 star most women would like to kiss under the mistletoe in a poll for Sky Movies.Has an older sister, Samantha Bloom.Graated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (1999)Amusingly enough, his 2000 guest appearance in the television show, “Midsomer Murders” (1997) references and discusses J.R.R. Tolkien”s masterpiece “The Lord of the Rings” (Particularly “Lothlorien”), for which he was eventually cast (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)).Found his dog, Sidi, while filming Kingdom of Heaven (2005).Shares his birthday with Liya Kebede, Traci Bingham, Penelope Ann Miller and Nick Clooney.Wears a replica of the One Ring that says “To wherever it may lead.” It was given to him by one of the makeup artists on LOTR.Is “mildly dyslexic”.Has three A-Levels. One A in Art, one A in Photography and one C in Religious Studies.Can speak French.His first car was a dark green VW Golf that costed £160.His first job was as a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range when he was 13.His favourite vegetable is spinach.First concert he attended was in Canterbery watching Jamiroquai.Supports English football team Manchester United.He used to smoke, but quit in 2002, which started making him bite his nails instead.Was listed as a potential nominee on both the 2005 and 2006 Razzie Award nominating ballots. He was suggested in the Worst Supporting Actor category on the 2005 ballot for his performance in the film Troy (2004). And he was suggested again the next year in the Worst Actor category for his performances in the films Elizabethtown (2005) and Kingdom of Heaven (2005). He failed to receive either nomination.Ranked 76 on VH1″s 100 Hottest Hotties.Is 18 months younger than Judy Greer but still plays her big brother in “Elizabethtown” (2005)——————————————————————————–Personal quotes On his character Legolas and the way Legolas moves: “Legolas doesn”t speak a lot – he prefers to let his actions speak for him. Legolas” moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat. You know how cats can jump and land steadily on their paws? That”s what I”m trying to do. There”s a strength in that, but it”s very balletic. It”s also bloody hard to do without falling over!””It”s all very surreal. I”ve had two very fantastic experiences. In Lord of the Rings and in Black Hawk Down. I feel very lucky. I”m sort of doubly excited.””I”m rather accident-prone, I have to admit. I”ve broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and cracked my skull three times.”On how he got the part in Black Hawk Down (2001): “My character breaks his back, and I had mentioned I had done that when I was up for the part. Who knows why one actor gets a job and another doesn”t? I think it was just good timing that I happened to be there and I had had the experience – I mean, I was lucky.””I broke my back. I fell out of a window… some friends had a roof terrace on the landing before their apartment, and I fell off the drain pipe. It gave way, actually, and I fell three floors. I was told I might not walk again. So, for about four days,I was contemplating that as a serious part of reality. Then they operated, and I walked out of the hospital in about twelve days.””Vig used to call me “elf boy,” and I”d call him “filthy human.” As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty. And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him. And he”d say to me, “Oh, go manicure your nails.””On his 2002 Empire Award: “I think my mum will have [my award] in pride of place somewhere beside my grandmother on the mantelpiece.””We have these digs at each other. Viggo will go on about Elves and how they”re always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy. And I just say: Well, at least I”m going to live forever! Got that? LIVE FOREVER!””You have to be quite serious about tattoos [because] they”re there forever.””For a young actor like me to have the oportunity to work with the genre of actors and directors on “Lord Of The Rings” is unbelievable. There was no, should I should I not. It was like, where do I sign up! It was just bonkers. It was like here, have a life.””It”s a bit strange to be included in those sexiest people polls and all that sort of thing. I don”t really even know who I”m up against!””Elf Envy…they all had it.””Aged nine, I had this girlfriend, and we used to have running races in the park to see who would be her boyfriend for the day. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her. Once I realised Superman was an actor, I thought, “That”s for me.””On being in love in general: “I”m in love with love. It”s heavenly when you”re falling for someone and you can”t stop thinking about her.””The girls have got a bit excited. I spoke to my agent and she says she”s wading through the fan mail. We”ve got bags of it. I”m like, “OK, well, what do we do with that, then?” And she explains that we”re sending them pictures and stuff, which is great.””It was like a drama school of its own, being on set. Peter [Jackson] is a genius. Ian McKellen is the greatest theatre actor in Britain. He”s somebody I look at and say, “That”s what I would like to do.” I had studied videos of his performances, so it was bizarre to be thrown into an environment with him.””The thing with Ridley [Scott] is he”s been doing this forever, he knows what it is he wants and how to get it. There”s absolutely no messing around on set. Having said that, he”s very accessible to actors, very open to what you want to do and willing to talk about it. He casts people who he feels are going to bring something to the role and allows them to take care of the situation, to do what it is that they do.””I”m quite sensitive to women. I saw how my sister got treated by boyfriends. I read this thing that said when you are in a relationship with a woman, imagine how you would feel if you were her father. That”s been my approach, for the most part.””Theatre is something that I feel very important for an actor to keep doing. I think it keeps you sharp. But at the moment I”m intrigued with movies and filmmaking. It hasn”t lured me away from theatre, but I”m just going to try to ride this wave and then jump onto another and see how far it takes me.””I did send a girl a plane ticket, asking her for a visit, I guess that”s quite romantic.””I”d like to grow old gracefully or pain free at least.”[Talking about his relationship with Kate Bosworth]: “There”s been a lot of heat because we decided to take some time out. But we”re really close. It”s unfortunate everything has to be for public display. It”s hard when you travel. It makes relationships a challenge. I”ve always kept everything close to the vest, and that”s how I intend to play everything. We”ve both got a big year ahead, and we thought, just for this year, we”d give each other some time to grow.””I know how lucky I am. I”ve no complaints about the work.””Fame and celebrity were not something that I contemplated because they were too far ahead to imagine.””When I”m not working, I prefer to sit and do nothing. The simple things suddenly become more enjoyable”.”If life isn”t about humanity, then tell me what it”s about, because I”d love to know”.”It”s the best gig in the world, are you kidding me?” [on Pirates of the Carribean]”I always feel like a pirate.”——————————————————————————–Salary Elizabethtown (2005) $3,000,000 Kingdom of Heaven (2005) $2,000,000 ——————————————————————————–Where are they now (August 2003) Filming “Troy” in Mexico.(November 2003) Filming Haven in Cayman Islands.(January 2004) In Spain filming “Kingdom of heaven”(March 2004) Filming “Kingdom of Heaven” in Morocco.(July 2004) Filming “Elizabethtown” in Kentucky, USA(March 2005) In LA and the Caribbean filming Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3.(November 2004) Filming the movie Elizebethtown(January 2006) Filming Pirates of the Caribbean 3 in the Bahamas.Orlando BloomAdd/change photo Date of birth (location)13 January 1977Canterbury, Kent, England, UK Mini biographyOrlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977… (show more) Photo Gallery IMDbPro Details Contact Details Add IMDb Resume Photo Gallery (137 photos) more Filmography as: Actor, Procer, Himself, Archive FootageActor – filmography(In Proction) (2000s) (1990s) Seasons of Dust (2007) (pre-proction) …. RickyPirates of the Caribbean 3 (2007) (filming) …. Will TurnerPirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man”s Chest (2006) …. Will Turner… aka Rummty II (Philippines: English title: review title) Love and Other Disasters (2006) …. Hollywood PaoloElizabethtown (2005) …. Drew BaylorKingdom of Heaven (2005) …. Balian… aka Königreich der Himmel (Germany) … aka Reino de los cielos, El (Spain) Haven (2004) …. ShyTroy (2004) …. ParisThe Calcium Kid (2004) …. Jimmy ConnellyThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) …. Legolas… aka Herr der Ringe: Die Rückkehr des Königs, Der (Germany) … aka The Return of the King (USA: short title) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) …. Will TurnerNed Kelly (2003) …. Joseph Byrne… aka Ned Kelly: Public Enemy No. 1 (Philippines: English title: poster title) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) …. Legolas Greenleaf… aka Herr der Ringe: Die zwei Türme, Der (Germany) … aka The Two Towers (USA: short title) The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) (VG) …. Legolas GreenleafBlack Hawk Down (2001) …. Todd BlackburnThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) …. Legolas Greenleaf… aka The Fellowship of the Ring (USA: short title) … aka The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture (USA: promotional title) “Midsomer Murders” – Judgement Day (2000) TV Episode …. Peter DrinkwaterWilde (1997) …. Rent Boy… aka Oscar Wilde (Germany) (Japan: English title) “Casualty” – Made in Britain (1996) TV Episode …. Patient – Another Day in Paradise (1996) TV Episode …. Noel Harrison – Care in the Community (1994) TV Episode …. ExtraFilmography as: Actor, Procer, Himself, Archive FootageProcer – filmographyHaven (2004) (co-procer)

你可能关注的问题四、奥兰多 布鲁姆的个人资料

全名: Orlando Bloom 奥兰多·布鲁姆 昵称:Orli 降生地: 英国 Canterbury, Kent 生日:1977年1月13日{星期四} 星座:摩羯座 身高:180 厘米 眼睛:深褐色 头发:深褐色 兴趣: 冲浪、特技跳伞、摄影 刺青: Bloom有二个刺青,一个是十五岁时刺的太阳还有手腕上的精灵语”九” 支持球队: 曼彻斯特联队 Manchester United 宠物: 有只名叫Maude的狗 Bloom会抽烟吗? yes…但现在已戒掉了 大部份的时间Bloom都在London和Los Angeles 主要作品: 1997年 《王尔德》 2001年 《魔戒1:魔戒现身》 2001年 《黑鹰坠落》 2002年 《魔戒之双塔奇兵》 2003年 《凯利帮》 2003年 《加勒比海盗》 2003年 《魔戒3:王者无敌》 2004年 《特洛伊》 2005年 《加勒比海盗 2 》 他的生日是1977年1月13日。 他的昵称是Orli和OB。 他有棕色的头发和眼睛,身高180cm。 他未婚。 他曾有一只叫Maude的狗。 他曾吸烟,但在2002年戒掉了。 他有一个大他两岁的姐姐萨曼莎。 他会说法语。 他曾经摔断过背、肋骨、鼻子、两条腿、胳膊、腰、一个手指和一个脚趾,并把头盖骨碰裂过三次。 他的戏剧课笔试成绩为F,也就是不及格。 他小时候有学习障碍的困扰,即便现在他仍然是中度学习障碍者。 他最怕的事情是在冲浪的时候被鲨鱼吃掉。 他最糟糕的一次演出经历是在他四岁的时候,演一个猴子,那个猴子的戏服太热了,结果他在舞台上抓自己的屁股,所有的观众都在笑。 最爱和第一次 最喜爱的颜色:黄色 最喜爱的食物:意大利粉、披萨、麦片、米饭、蔬菜和烤土豆 最喜爱的蔬菜:菠菜 最喜爱的足球队:曼联(同时也喜爱皇家马德里因为贝克汉姆) 最喜爱的运动:滑雪、冲浪 最喜爱的明星:约翰尼-德普、爱德华.诺顿、保罗-纽曼、丹尼尔-戴-刘易斯 最喜爱的电影:《伴我同行》、《江湖浪子》、《天使爱美丽》 最欣赏的女孩类型:和蔼、甜美 第一份工作:13岁时,在一个鸽子射击场当过看门工 第一个银幕角色:《王尔德》中一个小配角 第一部汽车:一辆深绿色的大众汽车,价值160英镑 第一次听音乐会:蝎子乐队坎特伯雷的演出 经典语录 “当你陷入爱河的时候,你会情不自禁地想念那个人,想和她(他)再见上一面,我喜爱这种感觉。” “女性是很可爱的,她们应该受到爱护和尊敬。但是这就有点麻烦了。”(大笑)“我大概会是一个称职的男友,但是我的情感会很强烈。和我在一起会觉得很刺激、有趣。同时我也很好相处———只是这些都要看我和什么样的女孩在一起。” “这些女孩有点太热情了。我和经纪人聊天时她告诉我,她快被影迷的邮件淹没了———我们每天都收到一堆信件。” “18个月来,我几乎每天都穿着滑稽的衣服,背着弓箭在新西兰跑来跑去。还能有比这更糟糕的吗?” “维果经常唠唠叨叨地谈论为何阿尔温能够每天都清理她们的长指甲、梳理她们金色的长发,而且那么小心谨慎。我只是回答:因为精灵要长生不老,知道吗?长生不老!” “我的性格有一点冒险的因素,还有很多其他的性格。所以我会做一些看起来挺惊险的运动,比如蹦极、跳伞、冲浪等。但我也很喜爱只是和朋友东拉西扯地聊天或者看电影等这些正常的活动。” “我想我有一份很棒的工作。我可以打扮起来变成其他的人,特别是莱格拉斯这样一个超酷的精灵。我是很幸运的,所以为什么我会不欣赏这份工作呢?” 主要经历: 第一份工作是在一家鸽子射击俱乐部中当服务生为射击者设陷阱 第一场演唱会在家乡坎特布里举行 第一张CD是《艾德·布里克尔和新波希米亚人》 第一个参与的45分钟短片是摇滚巨星迈克尔·杰克逊的《战栗者》 主要获奖情况: 2003年在好莱坞电影节中获得突破性发展表演奖 2003年由美国“娱乐在线”网授予年度银幕英雄奖 2002年因《魔戒Ⅰ》在MTV电影颁奖典礼中获最佳突破性表演奖 2002年与《魔戒Ⅰ》中的全体演员一起获得“最佳演员阵容”提名奖 2002年获得“最佳登场”权威奖


奥兰多·布鲁姆星座:摩羯座奥兰多·布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom),1977年1月13日降生于英国肯特郡坎特伯雷,英国影视演员。1999年,22岁的奥兰多·布鲁姆刚从Guildhall戏剧音乐学院毕业两天,就确定参演



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