
阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2024-06-19 00:55作者:惟妮

问题一、contact contract contrast怎么区分记忆



tackk :[]DJ :[]n . 1]n . 1 .平头钉,大头钉;乔在墙上钉了一颗大头钉来挂一幅画。乔在墙上钉了一颗大头钉来挂一幅画。2.粗缝针脚;假缝3。【船】上下脚(帆);上下套索4。航海课程。行动步骤,指导方针[u] [c]如果你不能坚持他,尝试一种新的方法。如果你不能说服他,试试新方法。6.粘性的,粘着的【例】我们把一些海报钉在墙上。我们在墙上钉了一些海报。2.暂时用粗针缝3。他们在合同末尾增加了几条新条款。他们在合同末尾增加了两条新条款。4.使(船)抓住风改变航向。帆船一路改变航向。2.改变路线。改变自己的航向意味着没有形容词。


短裤就是短裤,不用我说了吧~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~短裤/TS;rts/短裤,长及膝盖的短裤,如儿童穿的、运动时穿的或热天穿的。(美国)男式内裤。short1/t;从一端到另一端测量很少(长度)短的3360a短棍,线,连衣裙,旅行短棍,短线,短裙,短途旅行短草,毛皮短草和毛皮两座房子之间的一小段距离你把我的头发剪得很短。你把我的头发剪得太短了。*她迈着小碎步走着。她走得又小又快。这件外套的袖子相当短。这件外套的袖子有点短。参见龙1 1。(b)低于平均身高是矮的;低:一个矮个子*身材矮*太矮成不了警察因为身材矮成不了警察。参见高。(c)持续时间不长;短暂的(就时间而言)短暂的,短暂的;短暂的假期,演讲,电影,仪式短暂的假期,简短的演讲,短片,简短的仪式

记忆{只能记住最近发生的事} * The days get shorter as winterapproaches. 冬天来临, 白天越来越短了. Cf 参看 long1 1. ~ (of sth) not reaching the usual standard or required weight, length, quantity, etc {在重量、 长度、 数量等方面}未达到通常标准的, 短缺的: Water is short at this time of year. 每年这个时候缺水. * The shopkeeper gave us short weight: we got 7.5 kilos instead of 10 kilos. 店主给我们的分量不足: 应该10公斤我们只得到7.5公斤. * The soldiers complained that they were getting short rations. 士兵们抱怨他们得到的配给不够数. * These goods are in short supply, ie There are not enough to satisfy the demand for them. 这些货物短缺{供不应求}. * This packet is supposed to contain ten screws, but it”s two short. 这包应装有十个螺丝钉, 可是短了两个. * The missile landed ten miles short (of its target). 那枚导弹落在离目标十英里的地方. * We”ve only raised 2000 so far; we”re still 500 short (of the amount we need).我们到目前为止才筹集到2000英镑, {离所需数目}还差500英镑. [pred 作表语] (a) ~ (of sth) not having much or enough of sth; lacking sth {某物}不够; 缺乏{某物}: short of time, money, ideas 缺少时间、 钱、 主意 * The hospital is getting short of clean linen. 这所医院现在缺少乾净的被服用品. * We can”t lend you any sugar, we”re a bit short (of it) ourselves. 我们无法借给你糖, 我们自己{的糖}也不太够. * (infml 口) I”m a bit short (ie of money) this week. 我这星期手头不宽裕{缺钱}. (b) ~ on sth (infml 口) lacking (a certain quality) 缺少{某种特质}: He”s short on tact. 他处事不够圆通. * Her speeches are rather short on wit. 她的讲话不够风趣. [pred 作表语] ~ for sth serving as an abbreviation of sth 作某事物的简略形式、 缩写或简称: `Ben” is usually short for `Benjamin”. Ben通常为Benjamin的简称. (a) [pred 作表语] ~ (with sb) (of a person) speaking sharply and briefly; curt; abrupt {指人}说话尖刻而简短, 简单粗暴, 唐突无礼: She was rather short with him when he asked for help. 他请她帮帮忙, 她却不客气地把他顶了回去. (b) (of a remark or sb”s manner of speaking) expressed in few words; curt {指言语或说话方式}简短的, 唐突无礼的: He gave her a short answer. 他给了她一个简短生硬的回答. * All his observations were short and to the point. 他的观察报告都很简单扼要. (a) (of a fielder or his position in cricket) relatively near the batsman {指板球运动的外场员或其位置}距击球员较近的: short leg, slip, etc 距击球员近的在其左侧的、 在其右后侧的…外场员. (b) (of a bowled ball in cricket) bouncing relatively near to the bowler {指板球中投出的球}反弹至较近投球手的位置. (of vowels or syllables) pronounced for a relatively brief time {指元音或音节}短音的: the short vowel in `pull” and the long vowel in `pool” 在pull一字中的短元音和在pool一字中的长元音. (of an alcoholic drink) small and strong, made with spirits {指烈性酒}少而浓的, 烈性的: I rarely have short drinks. 我很少喝烈性酒. [usu attrib 通常作定语] (commerce 商) (of a bill of exchange, etc) maturing at an early date {指汇票等}短期的, 即将兑现的: a short bill, bond, etc 短期票据、 债券等 * a short date, ie an early date for the maturing of a bill, bond, etc 短期{兑现票据、 债券等的}. [usu attrib 通常作定语] (of cake or pastry) rich and crumbly as a result of containing much fat {指饼或面点心}油酥的: a flan with a short crust 果馅酥饼. (idm 习语) be on short `rations be allowed or able to have less than the usual quantity of food 食物配给量不足; 靠不足的食物配给量生活. by a short `head (a) (in horse-racing) by a distance of less than the length of a horse”s head {赛马}以不到一个马头的距离: win/lose by a short head 以不到一个马头的距离之差获胜[失败]. (b) by only a little 以极少的量: I got 96 per cent, he got 94, so I beat him by a short head. 我得96分, 他得94分, 我仅超过他一点. for `short as an abbreviation 简略形式; 缩写; 简称: Her name is `Frances”, or `Fran” for short. 她叫‘弗朗西丝’或简称‘弗朗’. get/have sb by the short `hairs (infml 口) get/have sb in a difficult position or at one”s mercy 使某人处境困难; 完全操纵某人. give full/short measure =>measure2. give sb/sth/get short `shrift/FrIft; FrIft/give sb/sth/get curt treatment or attention怠慢某人[某事物]; 受冷遇: He went to complain to the boss, but got very short shrift: she told him to get out and stay out 他到老板那儿去投诉, 但老板态度冷淡: 她叫他出去上一边呆着去. in long/short pants =>pants. in the long/short term =>term. in `short in a few words; briefly 总之; 简言之: Things couldn”t be worse, financially: in short, we”re bankrupt. 在财务方面已经糟得不能再糟了: 总之一句话, 我们破产了. in short `order quickly and without fuss 迅速而直截了当地: When the children are naughty she deals with them in very short order: they”re sent straight to bed. 孩子们一淘气她有个乾脆的办法: 马上打发他们上床睡觉. in short supply not plentiful; scarce 不充裕; 供应不足. little/nothing short of sth little/nothing less than sth; almost sth 不亚於某事物; 几乎就是: Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能够逃出来简直是奇迹. make short work of sth/sb deal with, or dispose of sth/sb quickly 迅速处理某事物或对付某人: make short work of one”s meal 很快吃完饭 * The team made short work of their opponents. 这个队一下子就把对方压倒了. on a short `fuse likely to get angry quickly and easily 易怒的; 脾气暴躁的: Don”t irritate her, she”s on a short fuse today. 别惹她, 她今天动不动就发火. out of/short of breath =>breath. (on) short `commons (dated 旧) not having enough to eat 没有足够的食物吃. a short `cut (a) route that makes a journey, walk, etc shorter 近路; 捷径: I took a short cut across the field to get to school. 我穿过田野抄近路去上学. (b) way of doing sth more efficiently, quickly, etc 更快、 更有效等的办事方法: Becoming a doctor requires years of training — there are really no short cuts. 当医生需要多年的学习和锻炼–实无捷径可言. ,short and `sweet (often ironic 常作反语) brief but pleasant 简短而愉快的: I only needed two minutes with the doctor the visit was short and sweet. 我找医生治病只用了两分钟–别管受罪不受罪, 反正时间短. thick as two short planks =>thick. > shortness n [U].# `shortbread n [U] crumbly dry cake made with flour, sugar and much butter 油酥甜饼{由面粉、 糖、 黄油制成}.`shortcake n [U] (a) (Brit) = shortbread. (b) dessert made from a biscuit dough or sponge mixture with cream and fruit on top 油酥糕饼{在发酵面团上覆奶油、 水果做成的甜食}: strawberry shortcake 草莓油酥糕饼.,short-`change v [Tn] cheat (sb), esp by giving him less than the correct change2(4) {故意}少找给{某人}钱.,short `circuit (also infml 口语作 short) (usu faulty) connection in an electric circuit, by which the current flows along a shorter route than the normal one 电路短路. ,short-`circuit (also infml 口语作 short) v 1 [I, Tn] (cause sth to) have a short circuit {使某用电器}短路: The lights short-circuited when I joined up the wires. 我一接上电线, 电灯就短路了. * You”ve short-circuited the washing-machine. 你把洗衣机弄短路了. 2 [Tn] (fig 比喻) avoid (sth); bypass 避开{某事物}; 绕过: short-circuit the normal proceres to get sth done quickly 为尽快办成某事不循正常手续.`shortcoming n (usu pl 通常作复数) failure to be of a required standard; fault 缺点; 缺陷: a system/person with many shortcomings 有许多缺点的体系[人].`shortfall n ~ (in sth) deficit 赤字; 亏空: a shortfall in the annual budget 年度预算中的不足.`shorthand (also esp US stenography) n [U] method of writing rapidly, using special quickly-written symbols 速记法: [attrib 作定语] a shorthand course, typist, letter 速记课程、 打字员、 信.,short-`handed adj [usu pred 通常作表语] not having enough workers, helpers, etc 人手不足: The shop is short-handed, so we are all having to work harder. 店里人手不足, 所以我们都得勤奋些.`shorthorn n breed of cattle with short curved horns 短角牛.`short list small number, esp of candidates for a job, selected from a larger number, and from which the final selection is to be made 决选名单{从多数人中挑出的少数候选人, 以备从中选出所需的人, 尤指应徵职务者}: draw up a short list 拟定一份决选名单 * Are you on the short list? 你在决选名单上吗? `short-list v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (for sth) put sb on a short list 将某人列入决选名单: Have you been short-listed for the post? 已经把你列入该工作的决选名单上了吗?short-lived /ˏʃɔːtˈlɪvd; US ˈlaɪvd; ʃɔrtˋlaɪvd/adj lasting for a short time; brief 短命的; 短暂的: a short-lived triumph, relationship 短暂的胜利、 关系 * Her interest in tennis was very short-lived. 她喜好网球只是昙花一现.,short `odds (in betting) nearly even odds, indicating a horse, etc that is likely to win {赌博中}可能赢的机会几乎均等.,short `order (US) order for food that can be cooked quickly {点叫}快餐: [attrib 作定语] a ,short-order `chef 专做快餐的厨师.,short-`range adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] 1 designed for or applying to a limited period of time 短期间的: a,short-range `plan, `project, etc 短期计画、 项目等 *,short-range `weather forecasts, ie for one or two days ahead 短期天气预报. 2 (of missiles, etc) designed to travel over relatively short distances {指导弹等}短程的, 近程的. ,short `sight ability to see clearly only what is close 近视. ,short-`sighted adj 1 suffering from short sight 近视的. 2 (fig 比喻) having or showing an inability to foresee what will happen 目光短浅的; 无远见的: a short-sighted person, attitude, plan 目光短浅的人、 看法、 计画.,short-`staffed adj [usu pred 通常作表语] not having enough staff; understaffed 人员不足: We”re very short-staffed in the office this week. 本星期我们办公室人手不够.,short `story piece of prose fiction that is shorter than a novel, esp one that deals with a single event or theme 短篇小说.,short `temper tendency to become angry quickly and easily 易怒; 脾气暴躁: He has a very short temper. 他脾气很暴躁.,short-`tempered adj: Being tired often makes me short-tempered. 我一累就容易发脾气.,short-`term adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] of or for a short period 短期的: a ,short-term `plan, `loan, a`greement, ap`pointment 短期计画、 贷款、 协议、 任命.,short `time employment for less than the full working week 短工时雇用工作{每周开工不足者}: workers on short time 短工时雇用的工人 * [attrib 作定语] ,short-time `working 短工时的工作.,short `wave (abbr 缩写 SW) radio wave with a length between 100 and 10 metres 短波{波长在100米与10米之间的无线电波}: [attrib 作定语] a ,short-wave `radio, `broadcast, etc 短波收音机、 广播等.,short-`winded adj easily getting breathless after exerting oneself, running, etc {用力、 跑步等后就}容易气喘的.short2 /ʃɔːt; ʃɔrt/adv suddenly; abruptly 突然; 唐突地: He stopped short when he heard his name called. 他听到有人叫他, 就突然停了下来. (idm 习语) be caught/taken `short (infml 口) suddenly feel the needto go to the lavatory urgently 突然感到要去厕所. bring/pull sb up short/sharply =>pull2. cut a long story short =>long1. cut sth/sb `short bring sth/sb to an end before the usual or natural time; interrupt sth/sb 结束或中断某事物: a career tragically cut short by illness 因疾病而不幸中断的事业 * The interviewer cut short his guest in mid-sentence. 采访的人没等客人把那句话说完就打断了他的话. fall short of sth not reach sth 未达到{某目的}: The money collected fell short of the amount required. 筹集的资金没达到所需的数额. * His achievements had fallen short of his hopes. 他的成就没有达到他期望的那麽大. go short (of sth) not have enough (of sth) 缺少{某物}; 欠缺: If you earn well, you”ll never go short. 钱挣多了就什麽都不缺了. * The children must not go short of food. 儿童不可缺少食物. run short (of sth) use up most of one”s supply (of sth) 已快用完{某物}: Go and get some more oil so we don”t run short. 去多弄些油来以免到时候用光了. * I”m late for work every day, and I”m running short of excuses. 我每天迟到, 现在找不到什麽藉口了. sell sth/sb short =>sell. short of sth without sth; unless sth happens 没有{某事物}; 除非{发生某事}: Short of a miracle, we”re certain to lose now. 除非出现奇迹, 不然我们现在是输定了. stop short of sth/doing sth =>stop1.short3 /ʃɔːt; ʃɔrt/n (infml 口) = short circuit (short1). short film, esp one shown before the main film at a cinema 短片{尤指正片之前放映的}. (esp pl 尤作复数) small strong alcoholic drink, esp of spirits 少量烈性酒精饮料; {尤指}烈酒. (idm 习语) the long and short of it =>long2. > short v [I, Tn] (infml 口) = short-circuit (short1).




下面给同学们介绍三种高效记单词的方法,非常适合高中生,熟练运用能够提高英语!一、在做阅读时背单词在应对考试方面,我们提高词汇量的一个终极目的,也就是在做阅读时可以畅通无阻。 老师常说,班上同学拉开英语成绩的关键就是阅读,你去看成绩好的同学,人家阅读正确率比你高多少。 这也就是为什么你和英语学霸听力差不多,写作也不相上下,但是为什么英语成绩与人家差一大截的原因。 在高考英语试卷中,阅读无论篇幅,分值,占比都是最高的。这样就意味着,做好这部分,那么英语成绩也不会差。 我们如果能在平时做完几篇阅读之后,不要去管词汇是否超纲,只要是自己不认识的,就把它认真做好记号,查出意思,然后每天都持续的翻看。 把阅读中遇到的单词解决,刚开始可能成效不太显著,但是久而久之,就会发现,做阅读时再遇到的单词,都是自己见过背过的。二、零碎时间背单词很多人都是看着那么多自己不认识,却需要掌握的单词,心中着实焦急,但是又迟迟不付诸行动来背。记一个两个单词可能比较轻松,这就导致了许多同学放松了心态,但是渐渐就会发现不认识的单词越来越多,想要好好背,却无从下手。有时一整个自习都用来背单词,但成效甚微,还容易混淆。单词不是背语文课文,不是一定要集中精力一直背诵,不能停歇。我们在学校的一整天有那么多碎片化的时间,做不了数学大题,也背不了文言文,有发呆睡觉的,为什么不用来背单词呢。也包括我们在上下学的路上,也能抓住时间多背几个。不要小看零碎的时间,看似只有几分钟,但是一整天的碎片时间累加起来,如果都利用好,那么已经就是一种超越。零碎的时间里背上几个单词,头脑也清楚,也不容易混淆。日积月累,就会发现没花多少整块时间在单词上,生词却越来越少。三、互相考问式背单词高中生一天的学习任务冗杂,尤其临近高考,学生总是埋头于厚厚的书本中,不得抽身。有时即使有课间休息的时间,很多人也都是在低头看书,在这样较为压抑的环境中,很多同学,学也学不进去,休息也紧紧张张。激昂的学习热情,在一整天沉闷的学习中,或多或少都会有所消耗,很多同学即使状态不好,情绪不高,也依然继续支撑着。这样看似学习状态坚毅,但是其实效率并不高。这个时候,如果在课间,可以和同学互相提问,背诵单词,那么效率就不一样了。同学互动起来学习本就会提高学生思维活跃度,更何况在状态低迷,学习情绪不高的时候,这种方法显得尤为有效。相互考问式背单词,学生思维被调动,背诵单词时自动情景联想,不仅效率高,还能改善学习状态。也不失为一种沉闷课间有趣有效的学习方法。高中学习课业繁重,对学生每门科目的学习要求都不尽相同,但都是需要用心,下足功夫,才能有可观的成绩。但有些科目不仅要肯下功夫,找到一些有效的学习技巧,更是成绩提高的法门。


address[E5dres]n.地址, 致辞, 演讲, 说话的技巧vt.向…致辞, 演说, 写姓名地址, 从事, 忙于addressAddress means to speak to.For example: The president will address the nation in the time of emergency.Address we also can say address means the number on your home or apartment.地址addressad.dressAHD:[…-drµs“] D.J.[*6dres]K.K.[*6drWs]v.tr.{及物动词}ad.dressed, ad.dress.ing, ad.dress.esTo speak to:与…说话:addressed me in low tones.低声与我交谈To make a formal speech to.讲演:发表正式演说To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of:提出:提交{口头或书面的报告}以引起…的注意:address a protest to the faculty senate.向校评议会提交抗议书To mark with a destination:写地址:标注目的地:address a letter.在信上写明住址To direct the efforts or attention of (oneself):忙于,专注于,投入:集中{某人的}精力或注意力:address oneself to a task.投入一项工作To deal with:处理:addressed the issue of absenteeism.处理旷工事宜To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor.寄送,托运:派遣或寄送{例如船只}给代理商店或代理人Sports To adjust and aim the club at (a golf ball) in preparing for a stroke.【体育运动】 准备击球,瞄准:调整并用球杆瞄准{高尔夫球}准备击球n.{名词}A formal spoken or written communication:称呼:正式的口头或书面的交流:used the proper address for a priest.对教士使用恰当的称谓A formal speech.演说:正式的演讲also [²d“rµs”] The written or printed directions on mail or other deliverable items indicating destination.也作 [²d“rµs”] 地址:信件或其它可投递物品上标明目的地的手写或打印说明also [²d“rµs”] The location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached.也作 [²d“rµs”] 住址:可以找到或抵达的某特定组织或个人的所在地Often addresses Courteous attentions.常作 addresses 殷勤,求爱:谦恭的殷勤The manner or bearing of a person, especially in conversation.举止,谈吐:一个人的行为或风度,特别是在谈话中Skill, deftness, and grace in dealing with people or situations.See Synonyms at tact 技巧,本领:待人接物方面的技巧、机敏或优雅参见 tactThe act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.寄送,托运:派遣或寄送船只给代理商店或代理人的行为Computer Science A number used in information storage or retrieval that is assigned to a specific memory location.【计算机科学】 存储器位置,地址,编址:指定于某个特定区域内,用于信息存储或提取的数字Middle English adressen [to direct] 中古英语 adressen [指向] from Old French adresser 源自 古法语 adresser from Vulgar Latin *addº¶cti³re} 源自 俗拉丁语 *addº¶cti³re} Latin ad- [ad-] 拉丁语 ad- [前缀,表“朝向”] Vulgar Latin *dº¶cti³re} [to straighten] from Latin dº¶ctus} [past participle of] dºrigere [to direct] * see direct 俗拉丁语 *dº¶cti³re} [增加] 源自 拉丁语 dº¶ctus} [] dºrigere的过去分词 [指向] *参见 directaddress[E5dres]n.地址;住址演讲举止说话的技巧form of address称呼addressvt.写姓名地址address the letter在信上写地址The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson, Esq.信封上写着杰克·约翰逊先生收。Addressing envelopes all day long is dreary work.成天给信封写地址是一种沉闷单调的工作。演说;作书面谈话The football captain addressed him team.足球队长向队员讲话。提出从事;忙于He addressed himself to the problem.他忙于处理问题。He is determined to address himself to the key difficult problems in the process of proction.他下决心致力于解决生产过程中的关键难题。用特殊的头衔称呼Don”t address me as ‘boss’.不要叫我“老板”。address oneself to针对…而说;针对…而 写She addressed herself to all of us.她是针对大家而说的。专注于;致力于address oneself to a problem着手解决一个问题address来自古法语adresser<a-到+dresser指向addressabodegreetinghomespeechaddressad.dressAHD:[…-drµs“] D.J.[*6dres]K.K.[*6drWs]v.tr.ad.dressed, ad.dress.ing, ad.dress.esTo speak to:addressed me in low tones.To make a formal speech to.To direct (a spoken or written message) to the attention of:address a protest to the faculty senate.To mark with a destination:address a letter.To direct the efforts or attention of (oneself):address oneself to a task.To deal with:addressed the issue of absenteeism.To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor.Sports To adjust and aim the club at (a golf ball) in preparing for a stroke.n.A formal spoken or written communication:used the proper address for a priest.A formal speech.also [²d“rµs”] The written or printed directions on mail or other deliverable items indicating destination.also [²d“rµs”] The location at which a particular organization or person may be found or reached.Often addresses Courteous attentions.The manner or bearing of a person, especially in conversation.Skill, deftness, and grace in dealing with people or situations.See Synonyms at tact The act of dispatching or consigning a ship, as to an agent or a factor.Computer Science A number used in information storage or retrieval that is assigned to a specific memory location.Middle English adressen [to direct] from Old French adresser from Vulgar Latin *addº¶cti³re} Latin ad- [ad-] Vulgar Latin *dº¶cti³re} [to straighten] from Latin dº¶ctus} [past participle of] dºrigere [to direct] * see direct

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