
阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2024-06-03 12:37作者:惟妮




48个国际音标对应的字母组合如下:元音部分:1)、单元音:[I3360]、[i]、[3360]、[u]、[u]、[3360]、[3360]、[辅音部分:[p]、[b]、[T]、[D]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[]、[t]、[d]单元音:[I3【:】――谐音为:Oh(0);哦,这个音标像个o[u :]――谐音是:吴;杯子上有很多雾。【:】――谐音为:饿(E);一只鹅饿昏了。【:】――谐音为:啊(a);音标的发音与拼音的发音相同。[e]――谐音为:夜(叶);这只鹅喜爱在晚上散步。2.双元音:[ei],[ai],[i],[i],[u],[au],[u][ei]-谐音为:梅;鹅有一个妹妹。【ai】――谐音为:爱(ai);音标的发音和拼音是一样的。[我] ――这个音标找不到拼音的谐音。可以根据字母O和I的发音来记忆谐音[I] ――谐音和长相像:12 [] ――谐音是:饿死;看起来像3只鹅;三只鹅都快饿死了。[u] ――谐音为:宅鹅;一屋子的鹅都装在杯子里。【au】——谐音为:ao;杯子是如此的骄傲,以至于没有人被允许喝它。【u】――谐音为:欧;一只鹅在杯子里寻找海鸥。三肢缺失和辅音:[],[],[],[]注:大部分辅音发音和拼音差别不大,可以用拼音谐音;还有一些辅音没有对应的拼音字体。我们的记忆方法主要是针对这四个辅音。)其中,[]和[]是两个音标,没有近似的拼音来对应日历,主要靠口型来记忆。【】――看起来像上下牙齿咬舌头;[] ――形状像上下牙齿之间的舌头。而[]和[]是两个音标,可以找到相似的拼音作为同音字。[] ――谐音为:shh(徐);嘘,这里有一条长蛇。保持安静![] ――谐音为:雨(Yu);看起来像3个。今天下了三次雨。参考:百度百科-音标


别名:小V、VV、小宋性别:男身高:180cm体重:60kg生日: 1986年5月14日降生地:安徽合肥生肖:老虎星座:金牛座血型:O粉丝姓名:V粉丝(官方粉丝互称宋范、宋鼠、宋果等特长:作文。音乐制作学历:本科(安徽医科大学毕业)童年梦想:用windows一样强大的操作系统开发出最满意的动画:哆啦a梦最喜爱的音乐类型:各种类型的衣服:休闲最喜爱的食物:最喜爱的对吃没兴趣的地方:家里的好朋友:刘音佳帮忙创作歌曲Vae的宠物:Glomi(《有何不可》中提到过),2006年12月,新浪年度盛典“网络红人年度人物”受联想集团邀请参加联想“粉红时尚”手机发布会,并创作了“粉红时尚”手机《粉色信笺》的主题音乐。2007年5月加入安徽省音乐家协会,成为安徽省最年轻的音乐家之一。2008年5月,即将完成本科学业的胡琦师范学院获得了“安徽省十佳青年学生”称号。全民投票数位居全省第一,达到320万。Vae优秀的综合素质和低调的行事风格得到一致肯定。2008年为搜狐网游大作《剑仙》制作并演唱主题曲《南山忆》,风靡仙侠游戏圈。2009年1月出版第一张专辑《自定义》,独立编曲、作曲、编曲、演唱、录音、制作等全部工作。业界口碑很好,销量也不错。2010年1月6日,发行第二张独立专辑《寻雾启示》。2010年4月,应搜狐邀请,作曲并演唱《半城烟沙》作为搜狐网络游戏《天龙八部2》的主题曲。2010年6月,为联想集团新产品“乐Phone”制作并演唱15秒广告音乐,在世界杯开幕前由央视5套首播。Vae粉丝论坛“VaeCn”是目前为止内地歌手中最受欢迎的论坛,注册会员最多,流量最大。2010年6月,注册会员人数达到20万。全国30多个省份的后援会纷纷成立并迅速壮大,从黑龙江到广东,从上海到新疆……放眼全球,到处都没有“V迷”。印象Vae Vae不仅是一位独特而独立的歌手、词曲作者和音乐制作人,也是网络音乐时代巅峰的代表之一。一般认为,Vae不仅继承了香香、东来东往等第一代网络明星的人气,还将网络音乐水平提升到了一个新的高度,一定程度上改变了“网络歌曲等同于老鼠爱大米的低俗歌曲”的印象。超级网络人气

够味道的作品,成就了Vae在网络时代的大红大紫。随着网络音乐的日渐势微,2009年1月,Vae昂首阔步出版了独立实体唱片《自定义》,2010年1月,Vae又推出了第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》,包揽了专辑全部词曲创作和制作,好评如潮。与此同时,关于Vae的话题和争议却从未停止过。 在现身网络的三年时间内,凭借《城府》、《如果当时》、《七号公园》、《有何不可》、《玫瑰花的葬礼》、《你若成风》、《清明雨上》、《多余的解释》、《墨尔本,晴》、《灰色头像》、《飞蛾》、《不煽情》等大量风格独特的原创作品受到听众喜爱,屡获各大门户网站评选出的最佳男歌手、最佳词曲作者等奖项。09年12月10日,第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》二度主打《庐州月》在其塌做蚂官网首发,《庐州月》是其官网歌迷投票选出的二波主打。再度引发“V式中国风”热潮。Vae不仅团埋精通作词、作曲、编曲,所有作品的录音与后期混音工程也均由其一手包办,可见Vae全方位的音乐能力与极高的音乐素养。 至今不签约唱片公司、极少在镜头前曝光、处事极为低调的Vae——随便百度搜一下,却发现他拥有着海量粉丝和超高人气,一点点风吹草动即为粉丝们所津津乐道。为什么许嵩的人气一直如此之高?撇开音乐方面的技艺不谈,他简单、率性、低调的行事风格也一直为朋友以及大批资深乐迷所赞。06-09年,那些作词、作曲、编曲、演唱、录音混音全由Vae一人完成的作品,在其歌迷论坛一经推出,就意料之中的进入各大门户网站以及诸多电台的原创排行榜。这在唱片工业化、音乐商业化的今天不能不说是一个小奇迹——无公司力捧,零投资运作,却真正虏获了歌迷、音乐编辑、乐评人们的心,让人自发的推荐、口口相传他的作品 在过人的音乐天赋之外,许嵩亦长于写作,学生时代在《萌芽》、《儿童文学》、《少年文艺》等刊物上发表了大大小小作品20余篇。高二时,他曾写过一篇《把伤痕当酒窝》的作文,“当时只是兴趣所至,就发到了个人主页上。”但让他没想到的是,这篇习作后来竟被当年某省高考语文模拟试卷作为阅读理解的试题。目前他的新浪博客访问量和转载量都非常高。 除了写作,许嵩的电脑也玩得很棒。2001年高一时即获得“迅飞”杯全国网页设计大赛安徽第一名。[编辑本段]详细历程 2005-2006年 2005年夏,刚结束大学一年级学习的Vae开始接触音乐制作软件,自学编曲,录音等专业知识。2年间独立创作、制作、网络发布原创作品60余首。 06年《玫瑰花的葬礼》、《浅唱》、《飞蛾》等等歌曲引发收听下载狂潮,千万人次试听。自此,Vae成为高人气创作歌手,开始引发媒体关注。 06年12月,作为网络红人代表,受联想集团邀请参加联想粉时尚手机网娱创意大赛,并创作主题音乐。 获得05年华人娱乐网最佳男歌手,06年Tom网最佳作词奖。 2007-2008年 持续保持超高人气,作品每每推出,第一时间在各大mp3网站、门户网站、电台、音乐杂志均会有推荐和收录。《城府》、《你若成风》、《清明雨上》等作品当红不让。 权威QQ在线音乐播放器常年收听量位居前一名,日均收听人次300万以上。 其歌迷论坛为迄今为止内地歌手中人气最高,注册会员最多、流量最大的论坛。 全国21省市后援会成立并壮大,从黑龙江至广东,上海至新疆,东西南北,无处没有“V迷”。 07年5月加入安徽省音乐家协会,成为年轻一代会员。 07年新浪盛典十大网络红人提名北京行酒店留影08年5月,即将本科毕业的许嵩,荣获安徽省十佳青年学生。全省全民票选票数第一,高达320万。Vae出色的综合素质和低调的行事风格受到一致肯定。 08年为搜狐公司的网游巨作《剑仙》制作并演唱主题曲《南山忆》,一时间风靡仙侠类游戏圈。 2009年 09年1月独立制作、出版唱片《自定义》,独立包办词、曲、编曲、唱、录音、制作等一切工作。业界口碑不俗,销量亦甚佳。包括九首歌曲:《如果当时》《多余的解释》《有何不可》《坏孩子》《清明雨上》《城府》《认错》《内线》《星座书上》。第一波打歌《有何不可》,第二波主打《如果当时》。2008年12月11-21日,在官方网站十日预售量即突破一万张。 09年3月发布了一首Demo《两种悲剧》,与此同时,也在创作第二张创作专辑。 09年11月26日,第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》首波主打《叹服》在其官网首发,再度引发收听、转载热潮,一夜之间遍布网络。 09年12月06日,第二张专辑《寻雾启示》首批限量版在其官网开始预订,火爆程度超过预料。 09年12月10日,第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》二度主打《庐州月》在其官网首发,《庐州月》是其官网歌迷投票选出的二波主打。再度引发“V式中国风”热潮。 2010年 2010年1月第二张独立创作专辑《寻雾启示》发行。 其中共包括九首歌曲:《叹服》《灰色头像》《我无所谓》《庐州月》《不煽情》《我们的恋爱是对生命的严重浪费》《白马非马》《单人旅途》《在那不遥远的地方》 2010年4月11日创作并演唱《天龙八部2》主题歌《半城烟沙》。 2010年4月,新浪博客访问量突破千万。 2010年2-5月,星周刊、男生女生、新安晚报、合肥晚报、文化快报等媒体专访。 2010年6月,为联想集团乐phone手机制作广告音乐,央视首播。[编辑本段]音乐作品 2010.01.06第二张独创专辑《寻雾启示》 01.《叹服》 词/曲:许嵩 02.《灰色头像》 词/曲:许嵩 03.《我无所谓》 词/曲:许嵩 04.《庐州月》 词/曲:许嵩 05.《不煽情》 词/曲:许嵩 06.《我们的恋爱是对生命的严重浪费》 词/曲:许嵩 07.《白马非马》 词/曲:许嵩 08.《单人旅途》 词/曲:许嵩 09.《在那不遥远的地方》 词/曲:许嵩 2009.01.10第一张独创专辑《自定义》 01.《如果当时》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 02.《多余的解释》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩《自定义》专辑封面03.《有何不可》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 04.《坏孩子》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 05.《清明雨上》词:许嵩、安琪 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 06.《城府》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 07.《认错》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 08.《内线》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 09.《星座书上》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 发表的原创单曲: 注意:如有其它,则为伪作或外泄Demo或翻唱。非正式原创作品。资料来源:许嵩官方网站。请勿随意添加! 2010.4 《半城烟沙》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:杨阳 制作人:许嵩 2008.7《南山忆》词:许嵩 曲:李毅杰 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2008.6《我的baby》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2008.5《爱情里的眼泪》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2008.5《天使》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:YiL 制作人:许嵩 2008.3 《我想牵着你的手》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2008.2《我很喜爱》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2008.2《惟爱你》词:张雨琪 曲:许嵩 编曲:YiL 制作人:许嵩 2008.1《情侣装》词:阿布 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.12《晃晃悠悠》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.12《断桥残雪》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.8《安琪》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.8《雪花谣》词:海雷 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.6《你若成风》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.3《烟花笑》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.3《幻城》词:许嵩 曲:李毅杰 编曲:李毅杰 制作人:许嵩、李毅杰 2007.3《看不见的风景》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2007.3《齐天大圣》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2006.12《粉色信笺》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:Borland 制作人:许嵩 2006.9《安徒生不后悔》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2006.9《静夜思》词:许嵩 曲:Vong 编曲:Vong 制作人:许嵩 2006.8《糖风阵阵》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2006.8《散场电影》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2006.5《尘世美》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:Borland 制作人:许嵩 2006.4《浅唱》词:许嵩 曲:许嵩 编曲:许嵩 制作人:许嵩 2006.4《墨尔本,晴》词:符榕 曲:许嵩、李毅杰 编曲:李毅杰 制作人:许嵩 2006.4《玫瑰花的葬礼》词:许嵩 曲:李毅杰 编曲:李毅杰 制作人:许嵩 2006.3《七号公园》词:王弘毅 曲:许嵩 编曲:borland 制作人:许嵩 给别人写的歌 《备份爱》词、曲、编曲、混音:许嵩 演唱:莫诗旎{此歌曲获得鹏城歌飞扬2009第一季度十大金曲奖}


The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl. Everyone teacher, everyone classmate, everyone morning good, I be the east of the distance Xu, this year already 12 years old, I be a grade five primary school to living, I come from bridge Hu Yan in the town, today I very honor arrive at to meet with everyone here, I is very alacrity of boy, I very passion reading book outside the lesson, particularly is thou Chinese and Foreign now of classic Zhao and literature treasure-house. I still like to see cartoon, animated cartoon, the China boy of especially central and little son channel, because they three small hero all carry an incomparable skill, I very hope next game in, ability get everyone”s support and good result, thanks 建议你下载金山快译,就可以自己翻译了。 In the morning everybody is good , I am called Cheng Si , I come from town bridge elementary school , 12-year-old this year , am to be born in the year of a cattle”s, I like to have sung most, because of graceful sound of singing can be brought about by me happy. I like to watch TV fairly specially , my most delighted television channel is few central authority son channels. Still have a little science game because of this program has an animated cartoon not only,I may take a look on that on time every time. My most delighted cartoon character is pig pig chivalrous swordsman and one rest. The pig pig chivalrous swordsman is brave lovable, but that one stops is extremely clever or intelligent then. Every day has watched these programs , I have also added no little knowledge. I still have a younger sister , they are all very lovable, I am fond of the Xu teacher very much, because of she is not only beautiful, and harmony asks everybody to remember affable , all right ,I am a lively lovable little girl. Fellow teachers, fellow schoolmates, everybody morning are good, my name am Cheng Xudong, this year 12 years old, I was already the fifth-grade level elementary student, I from the town bridge river bank yan, I am honored very much today arrive at here and everybody meet, I am a very lively boy, I deeply love the reading extracurricular book, particularly ancient and moderns in China and abroad classical famous work and literature treasure house. I also like looking at the cartoon, the animated cartoon, specially central children channel Chinese boy, because their three young heroes have on one”s person the unique skill, I hoped that in the following competition, can have everybody”s support and the good result, thanks . The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl. Everyone teacher, everyone classmate, everyone morning good, I be the east of the distance Xu, this year already 12 years old, I be a grade five primary school to living, I come from bridge Hu Yan in the town, today I very honor arrive at to meet with everyone here, I is very alacrity of boy, I very passion reading book outside the lesson, particularly is thou Chinese and Foreign now of classic Zhao and literature treasure-house. I still like to see cartoon, animated cartoon, the China boy of especially central and little son channel, because they three small hero all carry an incomparable skill, I very hope next game in, ability get everyone”s support and good result, thanks The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl. Good morning everyone, I called Chengsi, I come from the town bridge primary, 12-year-old this year, is a cow, I love to sing, because the beautiful singing can bring happiness to me. I also especially like to watch TV, I Favorite television channel is the central children”s channel. Because this program not only animation, there are some scientific games, will be on time every time I look at. My favorite cartoon character is Pig-xia and a short break. Pig-Xia heroic lovely, The break is a smart Jueding. Look at these programs a day, I also added a lot of knowledge. I have a sister, they are very cute, I like Xu teachers, because she not only beautiful, friendly and harmonious, well, let us remember, I was A lively and lovely little girl. Teachers and students, Good morning, I called Cheng Xudong, this year has been a 12-year-old, I am a fifth-grade primary school students, I come from the town of Hu Yan Mountain Bridge, today I am honoured to meet with you here, I am a Very lively boy, I love to read extracurricular books, especially the famous ancient and modern and classical literary treasure trove. I would also like to watch cartoons, animation, in particular children”s channel of China Central minimal, because they have three small heroes who With skills, I very much hope that the next game, we can get the support and good results, thank you The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl. Everyone teacher, everyone classmate, everyone morning good, I be the east of the distance Xu, this year already 12 years old, I be a grade five primary school to living, I come from bridge Hu Yan in the town, today I very honor arrive at to meet with everyone here, I is very alacrity of boy, I very passion reading book outside the lesson, particularly is thou Chinese and Foreign now of classic Zhao and literature treasure-house. I still like to see cartoon, animated cartoon, the China boy of especially central and little son channel, because they three small hero all carry an incomparable skill, I very hope next game in, ability get everyone”s support and good result, thanks In the morning everybody is good , I am called Cheng Si , I come from town bridge elementary school, 12-year-old this year , am to be born in the year of a cattle”s, I like to have sung most, because of graceful sound of singing can be brought about by me happy. I like to watch TV fairly specially , my most delighted television channel is few central authority son channels. Still have a little science game because of this program has an animated cartoon not only,I may take a look on that on time every time. My most delighted cartoon character is pig pig chivalrous swordsman and one rest. The pig pig chivalrous swordsman is brave lovable, but that one stops is extremely clever or intelligent then. Every day has watched these programs , I have also added no little knowledge. I still have a younger sister , they are all very lovable, I am fond of the Xu teacher very much, because of she is not only beautiful, and harmony asks everybody to remember affable , all right ,I am a lively lovable little girl. Fellow teachers, fellow schoolmates, everybody morning are good, my name am Cheng Xudong, this year 12 years old, I was already the fifth-grade level elementary student, I from the town bridge river bank yan, I am honored very much today arrive at here and everybody meet, I am a very lively boy, I deeply love the reading extracurricular book, particularly ancient and moderns in China and abroad classical famous work and literature treasure house. I also like looking at the cartoon, the animated cartoon, specially central children channel Chinese boy, because their three young heroes have on one”s person the unique skill, I hoped that in the following competition, can have everybody”s support and the good result, thanks . The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl. Everyone teacher, everyone classmate, everyone morning good, I be the east of the distance Xu, this year already 12 years old, I be a grade five primary school to living, I come from bridge Hu Yan in the town, today I very honor arrive at to meet with everyone here, I is very alacrity of boy, I very passion reading book outside the lesson, particularly is thou Chinese and Foreign now of classic Zhao and literature treasure-house. I still like to see cartoon, animated cartoon, the China boy of especially central and little son channel, because they three small hero all carry an incomparable skill, I very hope next game in, ability get everyone”s support and good result, thanks The morning of everyone is good, I call the distance think, I come from bridge primary school in the town, this year 12 years old, belong to cow, I like to sing a song most , because of beautiful of the singing can bring me happiness.I return special like to watch a television, I most like of the television channel be a central and little son channel.Because this program not only have an animated cartoon, have some science game, every time I will on time see.The cartoon character that I like most is a pig pig Xia with a rest.Pig pig the Xia be brave lovely, but a rest extremely clever then.Everyday watch these programs and I also increased not a few knowledge. I still have a younger sister, they be all lovely, I like a Xu teacher very much, because she be not only beautiful, and harmony can close, good, ask everyone to remember, I BE The alacrity is lovely of little girl.


英文: xinwjhdmhjnjh,hjbgsugbvdyfgbvh.hdjsbcuyge,sdefgr.dfdsff,sdfdsfcv.xinwbhjdhsjhwkb,sadefdfdfasf,fefefdfdsfdsfsdf,evfdvcvre.fefhdghgdf,dsfdsfdfdkjfh.jdfbhjdshfdsgdshgf,ghdsfgdshfgdsghfdsghgds,fdshfghsdgfhdsbhsdgf.mqusgcbdo,biopzghjk.jsghdjsghwhnbhjgyhd.(英文:153个、字:99个}字:昨天,从下午开始,我就守侯在电视机前收看直播。随着电视机屏幕上的倒计时提示不断变化,我的心情也越来越激动了。终于,19点48分,直播开始。开场时的击缶表演多么气势磅礴、震撼人心!尤其是击缶倒数,当画面上的“30”与电视机屏幕右上角的时钟显示完全吻合的时候,那种和谐的变化同时又精确无误的场景让我心潮澎湃!在高亢鼓乐和震天欢呼声中,北京奥运会开幕式拉开帷幕。热情友好的中华儿女诚邀四海宾朋,我们欢迎你!在《历史的足迹》一幕中,象征奥运历史足迹的29个“巨人脚印”,用焰火接力的造形,沿着古老北京的中轴路,一步步走向鸟巢。当“足迹”出现在“鸟巢”上空时,现场观众沸腾了,我也心跳加快了,非常兴奋,非常激动!接着,文艺表演正式开始。当清新和谐的画卷展开,泱泱中华五千年的文化积淀足以叫人叹服!精致优雅的舞蹈同时也在描绘着一幅彩绘,形的美与意的美相互交融,相得益彰,堪称完美。在接下来的表演中,我们也随时能够真切地感受到中国源远流长的历史和深厚的文化底蕴。当蓝色星球从地下升入高空时,我又一次感动了!变幻着色彩和图案的“地球”太漂亮了,那是我们共同的家!美丽的场景寓意着万物和谐共生,不同国家、不同种族的人民和睦相处,这是充满友谊和温暖的大家庭!多么美好的意境啊……后来是各国运动员入场,在这一部分中,我们看到了多元文化和谐并存,真的是“和而不同”!当中国队入场时,全场又一次沸腾了!“中国,加油!”的口号响彻云霄,现场欢声雷动,自豪之情通过电视屏幕汇入场外观众的血液,让每一个华夏儿女都充满力量!今日零点四分,奥林匹克的圣火终于在国家体育场“鸟巢” 熊熊燃起!同一个世界,同一个梦想。此时此刻,中华民族终于圆了百年奥运之梦!

六、php 判断数组是否有重复值

array_unique — 移除数组中重复的值说明array array_unique ( array array )array_unique() 接受 array 作为输入并返回没有重复值的新数组。注意键名保留不变。array_unique() 先将值作为字符串排序,然后对每个值只保留第一个遇到的键名,接着忽判亩简略所有后面的键名。这并不意味着在未排序的 array 中同一个值的第一个出现的键名会被保留。注: 当且仅当 (string) $elem1 === (string) $elem2 时两个单元被认为相同。就是说,当字符串的表达一样时。第一个单元将被保留。例子1. array_unique() 例子复制代码 代码如下: “green”, “red”, “b” => “green”, “blue”, “red”);$result = array_unique($input);print_r($result);?>上例将输出:复制代码 代码如下:Array([a] => green[0] => red[1] => blue)例子2. array_unique() 和类型上例将输出耐明:复制代码掘裤 代码如下:复制代码 代码如下:array(2) {参考:http://..com/link?url=WCjpA1evPusZJ6bwHXbagCpIfJGPbofh5Oa79aPKYAAxUgJHe5J_52JR_vd81qocfp7p77qruPhAWiRBI3zSu_

  • UniqueXu,feelunique



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